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Group Workshops

Group Workshops & Gatherings

Women have gathered in circles throughout the ages. They have gathered to support one another, to mark the passing of time, to celebrate births and honor deaths, to care for children, to hold vigil at moon times, to tend to the sick, and to work together to vision and bring their dreams to life. Ultimately, women have always gathered to cultivate community.

When women gather in this way, something special happens. There is a deepness and richness that is hard to put your finger on, but the energy when women sit in circle is palpable. If you have ever gathered with sisters – in any way, be it over a glass of wine, around crystals and sage, or over paint canvases – you will know the power of sisterhood.

Waistbead Party

Private Party

Learn the history behind the magic of Waistbeads. Create your personal Waistbead strands with matching anklet or bracelet. Learn why color and crystals hold healing properties. Share your magic among your Sacred Sisters. Closing Sacred Waistbead Ceremony to magnify your Waistbead magic. (2 hour min.) Ignite your Womb wellness.

In Studio:

  • 2-5/ $75hr

  • 5+/ $60hr

Out Studio:

  • 2-4/ $100hr

  • 5+/ $75hr

 Yoni Steam Session

Private Yoni Steam Party

YoniSteaming is a spiritual and emotional cleansing. This practice is essential for continued elevated vibrations. Put your Yoniverse first and allow your healing to radiate. Share this healing experience with your close women close to you. Let this experience bring you closer as a sister community. Create your own personal healing tea blend. Either In Studio or at a private location of your choice, allow the healing and cleansing to elevate while surrounded by your sisterhood. (2 hour min.)

In Studio:

  • $100/60min Full Steam

  • $55/30min Mini Steam

Out of Studio/Mobile Service:

  • $199/90 min Session

 Creative Arts Workshop

Soul Sessions

Art Therapy- healing the Wounded Warrior using painting and free form creativity. Canvas and paints provided.

2hr Session: $199

Write to Wellness- using journaling, poetry, and writing prompts to write to wellness and heal.

2hr Session: $111

Warrior Wellness Wednesday

Join the Warrior Tribe every other Wednesday for fellowship.
Where we discuss: current healing journey, shared strength and empowerment with other tribe members, and elevate our inner understanding of self.
Online zoom code and password needed to join.